This website provides access to a broad range of sources on the personal characteristics of political leaders (see Data page). We also provide our own data – the Political Leaders’ Affiliation Database (PLAD) – which contains a wealth of information, including geocoded information on the birthplaces and ethnicities of the effective leaders of 177 countries around the world over the 1989-2023 period.
Please cite the PLAD as:
Bomprezzi, Pietro; Dreher, Axel; Fuchs, Andreas; Hailer, Teresa; Kammerlander, Andreas; Kaplan, Lennart; Marchesi, Silvia; Masi, Tania; Robert, Charlotte; Unfried, Kerstin (2025). Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism. CEPR Discussion Paper 18878 (v.2).